Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spotted Owl Gore (Al Gore) busted by Congressman Marsha Blackburn and consequently resorts to the Jerry Springerism - YOU DON'T KNOW ME!!!

Check it out:

Cap and trade is basically a tax on emissions. Specifically CO2 emissions. PSST! Quiet! Don't tell Al Gore, but we exhale CO2..that's right it's a natural part of being human..but I'm sure the Federal Gov. will figure that out soon enough..and then there will be a Fair Breathing Act or some other BS. Never mind the hypocrisy of Al Gore...It's okay for Gore to own a Big Mansion with 20 rooms and 8 bathrooms in Belle Meade which uses up a year's worth of electricity around in big jets to all of his IMPORTANT meetings about the environment.. Us little people just don't understand the urgency of his message and he NEEDS that stuff to deliver the gospel of green so good ole Captain Planet can save the world!!

Seems like Al Gore missed the memo about "Earth Hour" know where you make a eco-conscious decision to cut your lights off and meditate upon our manic consumption of fossil fuels, electricity, and hamburgers.

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it SHINE!!!" sings Al Gore, as he pays Nashville Electric Service with deflated Federal Reserve Notes to offset his "carbon footprint" which does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to actually amend for the so-called "pollution" he is causing...

Here's the link:

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