Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Federal Reserve purposely destroyed the American Dollar

"Appropriately straddling the turn of the 21st century, the “borrowed” consumer decade of 1997–2007 may come to be regarded as the fin de siecle, marking a critical juncture in the drift away from the US dollar hegemony that has dominated the international financial system since the Bretton Woods regime ended in 1971.

Instead, we are on the road to a new, multilateral currency order.

As far back as the 1970s, in the earliest years of the floating rate regime when the US dollar declined rapidly in value after its link with gold was formally broken, its hegemony was under threat. But, back then, the US was still a net creditor nation and there was no obvious liquid alternative.

This is largely due to the many institutional arrangements and incumbencies which remain from the Bretton Woods era of 1944 to 1971 when the gold-linked dollar provided the formal anchor for the world monetary system.

Today, after almost 25 years of deficits, the US is the world’s largest debtor with little chance of shrinking that debt without significant further real depreciation of its currency.

Moreover, while the US financial system is in crisis with increasing public intervention in the system, liquidity and transparency in both industrialised and emerging currency and financial markets, while still imperfect, has greatly increased.

Domestic price adjustments, in imports, housing, wages and ultimately all goods and services, will be part of the equilibrating costs of a currency peg during such phases as long as the peg is maintained.

Before the crisis in the US financial system, higher inflation was also a natural consequence of having to keep monetary policy linked to the US Federal Reserve.

The credit crisis has distracted attention from the disequilibrium of many dollar-pegged currencies around the world, not least as the dollar has recovered significantly in value over the past year. But, as the world emerges from the crisis, US monetary policy may stay expansive for a prolonged period and the dollar may become significantly weakened again."

This articel is pro 'euro' and pro 'new world currency' but despite it's stance a lot of it's statements about Hyperinflation and devaluation of the Dollar through destruction of the gold standard is true...

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