Thursday, September 10, 2009

Attack of the Girl Scouts

The Federal Govt. and the Obama adminstration continues to target our children...

In review:

A civilian defense force, mandatory 1 year service to the Federal Govt. to instill patriotism into 18-24 year olds, public address targeting public school children with strange propaganda homework/classwork, and now DHS wants to enlist the girl scouts!

"The United States wants to enlist its 3.4 million Girl Scouts in the effort to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a campaign Tuesday to entice the blue, brown and green-clad multitudes to be even more prepared, with the promise of a new patch if they pitch in.

The young scouts will be able to emblazon their sashes or vests with the patch if they undergo the training which readies them for an emergency.

"This new preparedness patch will increase citizen preparedness and enhance our country's readiness for disasters," said DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano in a statement."

I seriously question the sanity of people who do not look at all of the facts objectively and can drive around town with a clear conscience with the Obama/Biden Bumper Sticker on their car...

You guys need to purchase a "Obama is Bush's Third Term" Bumper Sticker from me!


Dylan John Callahan said...

I never did trust them. They always seemed too sweet and innocent.

Anonymous said...

Please inform us as to why you feel that instilling patriotism and requiring community service is a bad thing?

J. Fuller said...

To Anonymous: Instilling patriotism is not necessary. That would be like trying to force someone to love you. I am patriotic because I have researched American History. I am grateful to have free speech, worship however I want, etc...

Usually mandatory community service is an alternative to being jailed. Community service is a good thing, but no one should be forced to do it. If a group of friends or neighbors would like to pick trash up around downtown then they should...But no one has the right to force anything on anyone