Friday, June 5, 2009

What sort of Fed. Govt. do we have? They can force you to take money you deem unnecessary for your state?

In a crushing blow to state's rights Gov. Mark Sanford is being forced into taking $700 million dollars in stimulus money by the SC Supreme Court...

"South Carolina's Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Gov. Mark Sanford must accept $700 million in federal stimulus money, ending the only formal effort by a governor to reject funding intended to jump-start an ailing economy."

"This decision is terrible news for every taxpayer in South Carolina, and even more so for future taxpayers who will ultimately bear the responsibility of paying for this so-called 'stimulus' without seeing any benefit from it," he said in a statement."

"He warned the increased spending will bring an insurmountable debt burden on future generations." WHY DOESN'T ANYONE COMPREHEND THIS STATEMENT!!! WHAT ARE WE DOING TO THE FUTURE GENERATIONS OF AMERICA!?!

"Sanford initially tried to require that any stimulus money pay down the state debt, a stance rejected by the Obama administration."

The article ends saying the money is needed for schools... Well, hell, I'm sure there are some private citizens that will donate some crayons or chairs or chalk for school.

Black quotes are from the below CNN article, Red text is my furious questioning...


Anonymous said...

It was the SOUTH CAROLINA Supreme Court who made the ruling, not the U.S. Supreme Court. At any rate, I totally agree that we are screwing over future generations. I mean, someone has to pay off our nation's debt.

Another thing: I'm sure just about any public institution could use extra money, right? Sure, the school system could benefit from the extra cash. However, the question in my mind is SHOULD they benefit now at the cost of those whome they are schooling? It's going to be those same students who inherit this debt.

Anonymous said...

Crap, I accidentally made a spelling error. Arrgh

Anonymous said...

Sanford should definitely run for the White House.We need a President with principles and one who upholds states rights.

Anonymous said...

This is not really a case of trampling on state rights. The SC congress decided to take the money - so the state made the decision to take it. The SC supreme court simply upheld the law on whether the gov had to abide by the decision of congress.

Kuddos to Sanford for standing up to those who believe we should become a nation of handout-beggars.

Anonymous said...

Good God!! This probably will not be posted, but he is a representative of the State..not the people. I lived in SC and they need the money for education. I felt that I was in a time wharp when I lived there. I was a military wife and FORCED to live there to protect OUR country. But, it was probably one of the most segregated places I have ever lived in America. Talk about differences in races and how people are treated. Education was lacking...these people need the money. Sanford for President....IN your dreams. No one, other than SCarolinians would vote for him. Do no forget there are many states not just SC. The South needs to get a grip on reality.

Anonymous said...

By the way it was 700 million dollars, not billions and the State Supreme Court made him do it because the people is who he represents not his political views. His kids do not need the dollars like the REAL people of SC who need. Hopefully, the people will take their blinders off and check their unemployment and determine how good a job their dear Gov. is doing. I guess the unemployed are speaking up.

J. Fuller said...

Referring to needing money for education and segregation in SC...You can't just throw money at a problem and hope it gets better...Something as complex as racial segregation or underperforming schools will not be solved by a Gubment Stimulus Check. I propose that any problem can be resolved within the community or within the state and certainly do not need Federal Tax Dollars to fix their education problem..Funds could be donated by private citizens, mothers and fathers could volunteer more time at schools, local churches and charities could donate crayons, textbooks, etc...One thing I've noticed about most people with good intentions is they are usually afraid to 'get their hands dirty'. Writing a check is not the answer. Stand up and be a voice of reason and be a good example in your community and you will see things start to change!