I would like to clarify something before I get to the nitty gritty of this article...I am not some rich aristocrat or a heartless penny pincher. I love children (I used to be a Pediatric Nurse) and I would never want to see a child go hungry or starve. That being said...I do not believe it is the place of the Federal or State Govt. to used taxpayer dollars to feed children under 18 during the summer while school is out. Allow the various churches, charities, and communities of Nashville and surrounding cities to organize and serve food to the hungry.
Who is the Metro Action Comission?
"The Metropolitan Action Commission was created by ordinance on August 12, 1964, for the purpose of securing and expending federal grants in accordance with regulations regarding the eradication of poverty." http://www.nashville.gov/mac/history.htm
The above stated goal sounds great..but Jesus said you will always have the poor among you (John 12:8). I would love to see sickness, disease, and death destroyed..but no matter how many IV's I start, antibiotics I give, or how much money is sent to Africa to buy medicines for children with HIV it won't stop...
The Federal Govt. is very creative when it comes to sounding the alarm on a new "Crisis". Pick your subject- carbon emissions, the poor, medicare, whatever- after the crisis is identified a bill is rushed through Congress and committees are formed with supposed state representatives with pockets heavy from special interest group's money to advocate whatever issue is the current hot topic on "The View" (aka Poison for Female Brains).
I think Tennesseans could definitely learn a lesson from this guy..Jesse Ventura. Here's a link to how he made a difference in Minnesota with contributing to the endless cycle of poverty, dependence, and abuse...
My hope is to inform more and more Tennesseans about current events, early American History, and the Constitution and how it's all related... Surely, if your reading this you have seen the abuse and corruption of local and Federal Govt. and realize they need reform...The framework of a sound local and Federal Govt. has already been established...it's just that Politicians are ignoring it and the average citizen is too busy to realize the degradations committed against the Constitution and our Founding Father's dreams of Liberty and Freedom from a Tyrannical Govt...
Below is the link which originally inspired this essay/blurb..
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