Wednesday, June 10, 2009

State of the TSOL Blog Address and some other things

I have been taking notes, watching various television news programs, watching "conspiracy theory" movies (I prefer the term Alternative Media Movies) and have just been struck by the chaos and strife presented in the news and current events the last couple of days...

First off... The upcoming Tea Parties in Nashville, TN. There is one on 6/29/09 Legislative Plaza 12noon downtown Nashville...which is organized by Campaign For Liberty... Then there is another one 7/2/09 same place at 4pm or 6pm until 830pm organized by Tea Party Nation by this fellow, Judson Phillips... Why not combine them? Why aren't the dates being discussed on talk radio?

I was just watching Glenn Beck..the Wednesday 6/10 episode...He is discussing the 89 year old White Supremacist who used a 22 rifle...shooting him in the head and tragically killing him...I totally agree that was ignorant, a tragedy, that racism is wrong and immoral, and the Holocaust really did happen...But why did Glenn Beck try to group this nutcase- James W von Brun- with the 9/11 Truth Movement? Has anyone seen 9/11 Loose Change? It is a quality documentary with factual statements and interviews with eye witnesses, scientists, paramedics/emt's, etc...Sure it has dramatic moments and mood music/lighting in just the right places but that does not discredit the facts presented in this film...So why did Glenn Beck tag a movie about a corrupt Federal Govt. possible insider knowledge about 9/11 with this wacko von Brun? Glenn Beck went on to reference the DHS report about right wing domestic terrorism and a recent Al-Q video about white supremacists teaming with Al-Q to commit acts against the US...As far as we know...this was a lone lunatic committing a horrible crime who had a weird website and book about how awful Jewish people are...This guy was mentally ill/sick..but it does not help the current information revolution to reference this guy with the 9/11 truth mvmt and the DHS report..that almost validates the release and contents of that report... Another puzzling aspect to this story..This guy was 89 or 90 yrs old...and he was able to take a couple of shots and successfully shoot a security guard in the head with a 22 cal rifle (very small rifle like what you use to kill small game with)??? Just doesn't seem like an 89-90 year old would be spry enough to pull that off..Doesn't seem like we are getting all of the information.. (this is a link to Glenn Beck referencing the nutjob von Bron, al Queda's video about joining with White Supremacists, and he also states that 9/11 Truthers want to destroy America?!?)

So why all of the division? Our economy is propped up by imaginary paper money with hyperinflation around the corner, the Obama Administration is appointing Czar's (I thought only Russia had those guys), and Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is doing his best to replace Capitalism with Fascism by limiting private company CEO pay, using American citizen's money to bailout out failing businesses, and going on a world apology tour sniveling and apologizing to aggressive Muslim countries who have never really cared for America... So in a time of complete madness..all those who are still rational...All Americans who still trying to make a difference..whether your A Libertarian or Democrat or Jewish or eat meat or your Catholic or whatever label you choose for yourself...All those Americans with some sense of morality and a belief in the Constitution, limited govt, and a return to State's rights... we should stand together...

I don't really trust Hollywood types but I can't argue with what he's saying...


Anonymous said...

great site how do i join

J. Fuller said...

Anonymous...if you'd like you can email me at TNSONSOFLIBERTY@COMCAST.NET for more info..I am hoping to have my first public discussion/education group in July 09 somewhere in a park or coffeehouse..There are no fees/dues or anything like that..We are just a bunch of concerned citizens hoping to make a difference..