Monday, June 15, 2009

A culture of fear...

The above link refers to Obama not ruling out allowing some suspected terrorists safe haven in America..I'm they could use a stimulus check and some welfare stamps while there at it...

The above links refers to the Obama's administration stance of not releasing sites of poisonous coal ash dumps..because it could jeopardize national security...

So let me get this straight...We're gonna close Gitmo with no plan...Allow the suspected terrorists to live in the United States of America...but we won't tell private American citizens if they are in jeopardy of being sickened and poisoned by coal ash cuz the Terrorists might figure out where the sites are?!?!? Who's looking out for us? The average American citizen? Certainly not the Federal Government...

Step back and reflect upon the pattern of fear broadcast by this current administration:

Printing money with no end in sight, making you the taxpayer and your children responsible for the bill....

Continuing two Endless Wars, sending more troops to Afghanistan, and sending unmanned drones to blow up villages in Pakistan

The Swine Flu Hysteria and rush to possible mandatory vaccine and given the title "Pandemic" by WHO

Flying over New York City very low to the ground in Air Force One for a 'photo-op' sending shell shocked New York citizens running into the street on the day the Swine Flu Hysteria took off

Releasing reports targeting US citizens as domestic terrorists

Our American President on a World Apology Tour...stating that we are not a Christian Nation..quoting the Koran and commenting on our growing Muslim population..and apologizing for American Arrogance..and oh yeah..he gave a speech at Notre Dame and he covered up a religious symbol which honored Jesus...

Using American Taxpayer Dollars to purchase failing private companies further shrinking American Confidence in the private sector and controlling CEO pay and compensation in new Govt. owned formerly private businesses and attempting to limit CEO pay in non govt owned businesses

Using ACORN to help get elected through voter fraud and now using the Census to get GPS coordinates for every American Household

Allowing reverse racist comments to made by Obama administration and associates and not condemning such veiled racially aggressive comments as destructive...

And for good measure...remember the debate where Mccain said he would tax American citizen's who already had a healthcare plan? and then use that money to cover uninsured Americans? Sounds like rewarding failure and punishing success to me? Well, Obama's team hasn't ruled that out yet:

(ironic that it was proposed by a supposedly conservative Republican... and opposed at the time by you see how both parties are corrupt?)

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