Monday, June 8, 2009


I've got a lot to write about...but sitting here prepping my notes for the next couple of blogs I just heard Ricki Lake talk about "pro-choice and the right to terminate pregnancy at anytime"...I simply cannot comprehend why people support Abortion. Call me naive..but surely through reason and logic alone it is evident that abortion is murder or ending a human life...Surely, the argument that it is just a bunch of cells or not human yet holds no water...because at some point every human being alive today started as that clump of DNA and couple of cells..

The argument that it's a woman's body also baffles me...I don't understand that just because a living being is growing and being formed in your womb gives you the right to murder it. Why is a pregnant woman along with her Abortion performing Doctor judge, jury and executioner of an innocent baby, fellow human being? In these times of political correctness and moral relativism, what about my rights as a man? If I become enraged and wish to beat someone to a bloody pulp shouldn't I be allowed? I mean I do have testosterone and perhaps once a year a man should be able to murder someone... that way we are all equal in our abilities to commit elected murder...

In cases of incest and rape...I sympathize deeply with victims of those crimes..The emotional trauma can sometimes resonate for years with a woman after being attacked...I would still suggest during her counseling and recovery to consider adoption, but I also think that in the circumstances of rape, incest, or impending death to the mother from the child, abortion could still be considered/used within the first week or so via the morning after pill or in the case of impending death of the women possible early birth (babies are now viable around 25 weeks nowadays)... I am no way an expert about Women's Health but I have seen women use Abortion as a form of birth control..And such a culture of death under the guise of 'women's rights' is saddening and shocking to me...

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