Saturday, May 23, 2009

Uh.. it's a little too late for that...

As much as I believe the powers that be of Washington absolutely do not care about the working class people and those of us still left with some common sense and some feelings of Patriotism...I think someone told Obama he should stand in front of the Constitution... There is fake constitution behind him during his most recent speech and a facsimile of the Constitution behind him...

I thought it was so ironic when he spoke the words, "I've heard words that are calculated to scare people rather than educate them; words that have more to do with politics than protecting our country." Oh give me a break! What about the MIAC report and Homeland Security report concerning supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, against abortion, and against immigration. Do you not think being labeled a Domestic Terrorist by your own government is fear tactics and intimidation? Especially the MIAC report being "leaked" the day before the 4/15 Tea Parties?

What about Obama and his goons claiming AIG was too big to fail, bailing out GM and Chrysler, and his resigning of the Patriot Act?! Obama is the same as Bush...He's a company man..High people in the dark places have Obama in their pocket...and feed him blurbs through a teleprompter..With a "Yes we Can" thrown in every once in awhile for good measure. That is an old political trick... to rush in a bill and claim if it is not passed then the American Economy will deteriorate overnight...Does anyone remember the stimulus bill being rushed in..which was over a thousand pages..and full of pork spending for pet projects??!??

None of the above examples are Constitutional values. Don't stand in front of the Constitution and speak about Gitmo and such...and consider bringing terrorists from Gitmo to American Soil in the name of giving them a fair trial. You know as well as I...Those prisoners would get fat off of the hog called government and become reliant on welfare and government housing if brought to the US and slapped on the wrist...because their own country does not want them back..

more to come...


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