Saturday, May 16, 2009

Red pill or blue pill?

I think this is where some Americans are right now... Perhaps they sense something is wrong in our culture and the dollar crashing Federal Government..

Some Americans are playing in the woods to the side...They are too busy with their jobs and families and soccer practice to see that the "spirit" of America has been hijacked.

A couple of Americans are hugging some trees and have carved an elm into an effigy of Al Gore.

There is also a large group of Americans who are eager to go down the path of Socialism, Even Bigger more Bloated Federal Government, full of increased taxes on the wealthy and middle class, decreased individual/constitutional rights, and the surrender of your personal rights and beliefs in order to pacify small fringe groups...

Then there is another large group of Americans..Who still believe in basic Judeo-Christian Values upon which were inspirations for our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. These Americans have this nagging feeling that they are forgetting something...Something is just not quite right with what is reported on Mainstream News (FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc) They are sleepy from all of the busyness they keep themselves engaged in so they don't have to think about tougher What is Truth? Where is America heading? What do I believe in? What is worth standing up for?

At some point, you realize life really is not fulfilling unless you are living for what your Creator made you to do...And without getting too philosophical.. I believe that we, human beings, were made in the image of God. And what is God? Jesus said in the book of John, that "I am the way, the truth, and the life". I believe the very fabric of our being, of our souls, were fashioned from Truth. Try to wrap your mind around that...And that our ultimate desire is too seek out things that are honorable, true, and good. For example, when we are speaking the truth, we are in tune with ourselves..we are doing what we were crafted to do.

But we get caught up in lies and deceit, vanity, the reckless pursuit of money, lust, etc.. we are chasing after poison..empty calories that will not fill us up but only poison our thoughts and make us sick.

There are two roads to go on...

America is traveling down a road to destruction...We are currently sending unmanned drones to Pakistan to blow stuff up, fighting what seems like Endless War in Iraq and Afghanistan and have numerous troops stationed all across the world, basically occupying Foreign Country. We have funded Osama Bin Laden with American Tax Dollars to take down key elements of the Soviet Union and then rallied against Osama Bin Laden after 9/11 and declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan. link:

America is also trekking towards a difficult but virtuous road. A road that has been a reflection of proud traditions of our Early American Settlers. A rebirth of education, self-reliance, a return to rational and sound minded decisions, honoring our vows to defend and live the Constitution, and propose small limited Government so that the power is returned to the Common American, the working class...

The sensible American who sees that there will be no salvation of our American Economy by the Federal Government. Who are now becoming owners of private banks and private businesses such as GM and Chrysler. The Average Joe realizes that you can't print more imaginary money that has no intrinsic value and expect to spend your way out of debt. You are only delaying a painful crash..which is a natural byproduct of a free market capitalism based economy.. But our economy is controlled by the Federal Reserve which can lower and raise interest rates at will and are currently mutilating the American Currency by printing trillions of dollars which can only result in one thing...

HYPERINFLATION...imagine $1000 gallons of milk.. Here's a headscratcher: "Hyperinflation is widely believed to have contributed to the Nazi takeover of Germany. Adolf Hitler himself in his book, Mein Kampf, makes many references to the German debt and the negative consequences that brought about the "necessity" of National Socialism."

I could probably keep writing all night..but I must bring myself to my original intention of this article...

I hear a lot of people say, "Well, it's not like I can do anything about it". or "It won't get that bad...not in my life time.."

I would say to those people. You can do something about. The first step is to educate yourself. Read a book, a blog, and research various groups/movements which are motivated to make a positive change in America's current climate of swine flu mania and 1984 style Federal Government. Let me remind you...You have a natural inclination for the Truth inside yourself..and the Truth can be expressed many ways.. through love, marriage, having children, standing up for those without voices (orphans, widows, the Abortion issue) or through patriotism, religion, etc...

And to those who say it won't affect me... I beg to differ.. I ask you to take the focus off of yourself and your perspective...and then imagine your children twenty years from now..or imagine future Tennesseans thirty years from now? What sort of Constitutional Freedoms would they have left? And how could the Federal Government possibly continue to tax and spend at the recent inflammatory rate and expect to still have any skilled workers? Who wants to work if everything you earn would go back to Washington?

I say it is already affecting you. Read this article by Chuck Baldwin:

To be continued...

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