I decided to copy this whole article to my blog...the original link is http://republicbroadcasting.org/?p=2133 This is such great news that I wanted to reprint the whole article...hoping anyone will read it and get inspired...check out the great links towards the end of the article and support them... “Ironically, 99 years ago this week, a train left Newark, N.J., for Jesup Station, Ga., carrying some of the wealthiest, most powerful people in the world. They met in secret at the Jekyll Island Club and laid the plans to create the Federal Reserve System. “Another group of people took a train this past week from Newark, N.J., for Jesup Station, Ga., en route to the same Jekyll Island Club. The people in this group are not among the wealthiest people in the world, but they are among the most powerful; they are some of the leaders of the growing freedom movement. Nearly a hundred years ago, a meeting at Jekyll Island produced the Federal Reserve, which now controls our economic destiny. The current meeting at Jekyll Island, organized by the We the People Foundation, seeks to produce a plan to control the Federal Reserve and restore our economic freedom.” Quoted from Here Comes The Freedom Movement by Henry Lamb, published in WorldNetDaily, May 23, 2009. New: Freedom Movement Coalition On May 21st and May 22nd, an unprecedented gathering of the nation’s Freedom Movement leaders was held in Georgia at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. The planning meetings, coined the “Jekyll Island Project,” were hosted by We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., chaired by Bob Schulz. A highlight of the gathering was a special ceremony held in the Federal Reserve Room at the Club, specifically to establish a “righteous record” to supplant the secretive deliberations which occurred in that same location in 1910 to conceive the (unconstitutional) Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Beloved Freedom leader G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature at Jekyll Island, spoke about the 1910 gathering and the importance of the current leader meeting in the location, at this particular time. Bob Schulz followed with a talk entitled “A New Record for America.” Following the talks given by Griffin and Schulz, Bob Schulz read a specially prepared scroll which acknowledged the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of The United States of America and the Bill of Rights as the greatest governing Documents ever given to mankind. The scroll proclaimed the commitment of each leader to dedicate and consecrate their lives to uphold, preserve and defend The Principles contained therein. Others attending the event at Jekyll Island were invited to sign the Scroll, symbolizing The People of America. All were deeply impacted by the experience. Copies of the document are being prepared, with a blank space in place of the (May 21, 2009) date now included in the original. Those copies will soon be available for anyone wishing to schedule an “Acknowledgement and Dedication” meeting in their state, city, community, school, organization or home. The Scroll will be mailed in a plastic tube which can be used to protect and archive the document in that state’s Citizen Vigilance Center, or elsewhere. The Opening Ceremony in the Club Ballroom began with the Processional of three Flags symbolic to the occasion: the current flag; the Betsy Ross flag featuring the thirteen colonies; and the Bennington “Don’t Tread on Me” flag which was commonly used around the time of the American Revolution. There was a reading about the Sacred Symbols of Freedom, followed by the singing of the National Anthem, and recitals of The Pledge of Allegiance and The American’s Creed. “Benjamin Franklin” read his comments made at the 1789 Constitutional Convention, which was followed by a stirring Invocation. Bob Schulz gave a Welcome Address and the ceremony concluded with the singing of the National Hymn, “God of our Fathers,” often referred to as the Constitution Hymn. All joined in a rousing call “Let Freedom Ring!” Attendees then followed the flags from the Club Ballroom to the Federal Reserve room in a silent walk dedicated to the Founding Fathers and those patriots who gave their lives and fortunes to establish America. Click here for B Roll footage of part of the Opening Ceremony http://vimeo.com/4820545 . Please note the video is temporarily password protected: password= jekyll The Joint Sessions During the joint session with the leaders and assembled observers, the twenty-five leaders articulated a long list of ongoing Constitutional violations which now threaten the collapse of the Republic, they shared information regarding the work of each of their respective organizations, and their ongoing actions to confront those violations. The unconstitutional threats of increasing concern to the American people constitute a lengthy laundry list of unlawful acts of government which are rapidly giving rise to the concerns of the American public people as they see their Liberties, in practical form, erode with each passing day. The violations include: RFID personal tracking technology, government controlled transportation choke points, illegal surveillance, undeclared wars, unconstitutional direct taxes on labor, international treaties which purport to supersede the legal sovereignty of the nation, electronic election fraud, America’s unconstitutional fiat currency (the U.S. “dollar”), unconstitutional control of firearms by federal authorities, sustainable development and the new world order agenda which seeks to erase all national borders (and the Liberties of America guaranteed by our Constitution.) Referring to themselves for the first time as a “coalition”, these Freedom Movement leaders agreed that the imminent risks to our Republic require a united front in defense of the Constitution, openly acknowledging the challenges that have, until now, prevented the Freedom Movement from coming together and achieving mass support. They openly invited all other leaders in the Freedom Movement to join the Coalition. The die has been cast: support for the 2009 Continental Congress was unanimous. Spontaneously, the Freedom Movement Leaders in attendance agreed they would henceforth serve as the Organizing Committee for CC 2009. Each pledged their organization’s support to create awareness, share resources and promote participation across all fifty states and the District of Columbia. The Coalition Leaders: Overall, the Freedom Movement leaders who voiced their support of CC 2009 included: G. Edward Griffin Bob Schulz Dr. Edwin Vieira Katherine Albrecht Michael Badnarik Catherine Bleish Executive Director: LIBERTY RESTORATION PROJECT Clyde J. Cleveland Paul Venable Robert Crooks Founder: MOUNTAIN MINUTE MEN BORDER PATROL Tom Cryer Tom DeWeese Gary Franchi Rob Gray Ernest Hancock Vickie Karp Adam Kokesh Mark Lerner Amanda Moore Daneen Peterson Raymond D. Powell Karen Renick Jon Roland George Shepard John Stadtmiller Edgar Steele Lt. Cdr. Eric Cunningham Work is now underway to create a documentary of the historic gathering which seeks to educate and activate Americans about the nation’s constitutional crisis, the Jekyll Island Project meetings, and Continental Congress 2009 as the appropriate next steps for a free people to pursue to peacefully restore The Republic. A release date just prior to July 4th is planned. Gadsden Flag Flies Over Jekyll Island A flagpole sits atop the Jekyll Island Club’s turret, as reflected in the Club’s logo: Normally, the flag flying from the pole is a pale blue flag with the crest of the Jekyll Island Club. Such was the case on the day the Freedom Movement arrived at the Club. Thursday evening over 70 JIP attendees joined together for dinner in the Club Ballroom. Each dinner table was designated as representing one of the 13 original colonies casting their votes for Independence as the original Continental Congress in 1776. Playing the role of the historic Continental Congress’ first President, John Hancock, Michael Badnarik convened a mock roll call from each state. Each table had a person represent one of the historic founding fathers and improvised what they may have said during such a roll call. With so many keen students of American history in the room, a plethora of knowledge shared at each table as the designated spokesperson prepared their remarks. Many humorous insights were spoken and the room was full of laughter, pounding fists and cheering as each state committed itself to the principles of freedom via the Declaration of Independence. A short essay was read by Jan Graber explaining how Benjamin Franklin had the Declaration reprinted in multiple languages and shipped to every corner of the globe. As history documents, although the vote for Independence had been decided, no one would step up to sign such a revolutionary document until John Hancock took the first initiative. Badnarik, in his role as Hancock, mock signed the document boldly proclaiming, “There, that ought to be large enough for King George to see without his spectacles.” Later that evening, by some chance happening, the tattered and worn Jekyll Island Club flag was lowered and the “Gadsden Flag”, aka “Don’t Tread on Me” flag was put in its place. The next morning meeting attendees were greeted in the courtyard with the Gadsden flag fluttering in the wind, hoisted high atop the Victorian era turret. This was a most inspiring and motivating gesture, especially considering that Ben Bernanke, chairman of the private banking cartel known as the Federal Reserve, had convened his own conference at Jekyll Island just the previous week. The “Gadsden Flag” named after Colonel Christopher Gadsden of South Carolina, was first flown early in 1776 by Commodore Esek Hopkins of Rhode Island, first Commander-in-chief of the Continental Fleet. Its inscription represented a warning by the colonists to the British. Actually, two Gadsden flags were flown over the Club, one at a time. During the Freedom Movement’s closing ceremony one of those was presented to G. Edward Griffin, the other to Bob Schulz. Beyond the timely relevance of such an effort, the two day meeting focused on gaining input about, and support for, the concept of convening a modern day Continental Congress “to document The People’s record of our Constitutional crisis and develop a viable, cohesive set of PEACEFUL activist strategies to cure the cancer of despotism that now threatens the nation.” Since last December, We The People Foundation has been promoting CC2009 as a viable project framework worthy of support. “The greatest governing documents ever given to mankind are here in America — our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution our Bill of Rights. Unless our People stand by them and ensure they are realized and followed by holding our elected officials accountable, they become pieces of paper subject to our whim and the crisis of the moment,” said Schulz. “Our Constitution is not a menu from which to pick and choose. Every part is connected to the others. If one part is ignored or violated, it impacts all the others parts. The American people are waking up now to what is taking place and are beginning to see clearly what is at stake, not only for America, but for the Rights of Free Men in this world,” he concluded. “If Liberty is lost in America, it will be lost everywhere. I believe the American people will not allow it to happen. The Continental Congress will be the appropriate setting to put the facts before all our citizens and the world to consider.” November 9 through 24, 2009 was announced at the Jekyll Island meeting as the date for CC 2009. The location for CC 2009 is still undecided. Negotiations are continuing with facilities located at Bretton Woods, NH; Colonial Williamsburg, VA; Philadelphia, PA; St. Charles, Il; and Oconomowoc, WI. Suggestions on other locations can be sent to us by email at bob@givemeliberty.org To see a slide-show presentation overview providing the background and necessity for the Continental Congress, click here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/15804482/WTP-Case-for-Continental-Congress-2009
To commemorate the historic CC 2009 event, the American Open Currency Standard has produced a stunning hand-crafted one-ounce Round of .999 Silver, honoring The Constitution and the proposed Congress. To support the historic Jekyll Island event, a donation was made of 40 silver rounds to We The People Foundation. WTP in turn chose to pass the gift along to those volunteers who worked so long and hard toward the success of the Jekyll Island event. Special Thanks Patriotic presentations were strategically scheduled throughout the two day event. A tremendous amount of research and resources went into the selection and production of each. We give a very special thanks to Jan Graber and the OLD DOMINION SOCIETY, Judith Whitmore and STAND UP AND SING FOR AMERICA and Harry McKay aka Patrick Henry. Besides their immense enjoyment of the patriotic presentations, the Freedom Movement Leaders, their spouses and all others attending the event felt very much at ease under the watchful gaze of a group of seven extraordinarily courteous and professional men and women who provided top-notch security services and who were also alert and quick to attend to other assistance of one kind or another. We extend a very special thanks to them and to their leader and organizer, Dr. Bob Frady. Click here to access WTP’s secure donation system. Please consider making a generous one-time donation Thank you for your generous support. Please remember that your Click here to access the CC2009 state-specific donate buttons. WTP CC2009 “Tea Party” Flyer (1-page) |
Please remember, the operations of the WTP Foundation
are funded entirely by your generous support.
Video of December 8th, 2008 WTP Press Conference at the National Press Club
in Washington, DC is now on Google video.
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