"Eugenics is the study and practice of selective breeding applied to humans, with the aim of improving the species. Although its basic premise is scientifically sound -- that the same genetic laws apply to humans as to other organisms -- eugenics, in practice, has served anti-social beliefs and movements, in particular racism and Nazism."
"During the 20th century, many countries enacted various eugenics policies and programs, including: genetic screening, birth control, promoting differential birth rates, marriage restrictions, segregation (both racial segregation as well as segregation of the mentally ill from the rest of the population), compulsory sterilization, forced abortions or forced pregnancies and genocide. Most of these policies were later regarded as coercive and/or restrictive, and now few jurisdictions implement policies that are explicitly labeled as eugenic or unequivocally eugenic in substance. However, some private organizations assist people in genetic counseling, and reprogenetics may be considered as a form of non-state-enforced liberal eugenics."
"High Praise from Adolf Hitler"
Margaret Sanger was a prominent proponent of eugenics and forced sterilization. Stefan Kuhl writes:
In 1934 one of Hitler's staff members wrote to Leon Whitney of the American Eugenics Society and asked in the name of the Fuhrer for a copy of Whitney's recently published book, The Case for Sterilization. Whitney complied immediately, and shortly thereafter received a personal letter of thanks from Adolf Hitler. In his unpublished autobiography, Whitney reported a conversation he had with Madison Grant about the letter from the Fuhrer. Because he thought Grant might be interested in Hitler's letter he showed it to him during their next meeting. Grant only smiled, reached for a folder on his desk, and gave Whitney a letter from Hitler to read. In this, Hitler thanked Grant for writing The Passing of the Great Race and said that "the book was his Bible." Whitney concluded that, following Hitler's actions, one could believe it. (unpublished autobiography of Leon F. Whitney, written in 1971, Whitney Papers, APS, 204-5) (6)
The study of Eugenics, which promoted forced sterilization if you were deemed 'crippled' or had an obvious genetic defect or had a low IQ...THIS WAS TREND OR SCIENCE WAS RENAMED ABORTION, WOMEN'S RIGHTS, AND PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
"The United States was the first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for the purpose of eugenics."
"The principal targets of the American program were the mentally retarded and the mentally ill, but also targeted under many state laws were the deaf, the blind, people with epilepsy, and the physically deformed. Native Americans, as well as African-American women,[18] were sterilized against their will in many states, often without their knowledge, while they were in a hospital for other reasons (e.g. childbirth). Some sterilizations also took place in prisons and other penal institutions, targeting criminality, but they were in the relative minority. In the end, over 65,000 individuals were sterilized in 33 states under state compulsory sterilization programs in the United States.[19]"
"The 27 states where sterilization laws remained on the books (though not all were still in use) in 1956 were: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah,Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin.[26]"
I am not able to create a nice essay or opinion piece on Eugenics or MKUltra at this time thus the links and quotes..for another source please check out Alex Jone's Endgame which does a good job of exploring Eugenics...
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