Monday, December 21, 2009
Mccain/Rothschild/Clinton Family/Illuminati Connection
"An invitation sent out by the campaign says the luncheon will be held at Spencer House, St. James's Place, "by kind permission of Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon Nathaniel Rothschild." Tickets to the invitation-only event cost $1,000 to $2,300. Attire is listed as "lounge suits." "
"“Recent news reports suggest that Sen. John McCain and John McCain for President may have accepted an in-kind contribution from foreign nationals Lord Rothschild OM GBE and the Hon. Nathaniel Rothschild of Great Britain in contravention of federal election laws,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton wrote in a complaint letter dated April 22, 2008. “On behalf of Judicial Watch and its supporters, I hereby request that the FEC investigate the matter.”"
Note how the Rothschild and other Banker/Illuminati Families fund both sides:
"At the Democratic national convention next week, Lynn Forester, Lady de Rothschild, one of Britain’s most influential political hostesses, will be contemplating treachery. She poured her heart and money into Hillary Clinton’s campaign and she is thinking of voting for John McCain, the Republican candidate, for president. "
"The Rothschilds spent the night of their wedding dinner in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House when Bill Clinton was president, so her loyalty to Hillary is understandable."
Rothschild on FAUX (FOX) News:
Friday, November 20, 2009
CFR quotes
"The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American Branch of a society which originated in England... (and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one-world rule established." - Carroll Quigley, member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), mentor to Bill Clinton"
"The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence and submergence into an all powerful, one world government."
- Admiral Chester Ward, former CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy"
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
-David Rockefeller (CFR member), founder of the sister organization - Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991."
The Villian David Rockefeller
-David Rockefeller, founder of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, discusses his meeting with Saddam Hussein. The meeting was held at the request of Henry Kissinger. Rockefeller comments that their meeting is "all the more interesting" due to the role that Saddam would play after their meeting. In case you don't know David Rockefeller is one of the leaders of the world government movement. They create and fund "threats" like Saddam to generate fear among the general population. Fear leads to control.
David Rockefeller on Population Control..That's Funny He kinda sounds like Al Gore..I wonder why they are both on the Council on Foreign Relations?!?:
-David Rockefeller gives a speech about over population. In this video, you will hear and see him discussing how the U.N. should sustain the population.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The Attack on Masculinity, Femininity, and the Family Unit by Al Gore, Mainstream Media, and the Federal Govt.
"When a walled town is being besieged, and the enemy is continually attacking one part of the walls, the townspeople must continue to defend that part of the walls. Today the Enemy of mankind, Satan, is continually attacking true womanhood, because without true women there can be no true mothers, no true family life, no truly happy children and finally no truly human beings. I wish I could quote the complete testimony of another ex-feminist who wrote to me several months ago to thank me for, as she now sees it, "affirming and supporting our true nature as women". The following is a cruelly brief summary of her classic letter"
"U.S. Army Specialist Alexis Hutchinson, a single mother, is being threatened with a military court-martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan, despite having been told she would be granted extra time to find someone to care for her 11-month-old son while she is overseas.
Hutchinson, of Oakland, California, is currently being confined at Hunter Army Airfield near Savannah, Georgia, after being arrested. Her son was placed into a county foster care system.
Hutchinson has been threatened with a court martial if she does not agree to deploy to Afghanistan on Sunday, Nov. 15. She has been attempting to find someone to take care of her child, Kamani, while she is deployed overseas, but to no avail."
"the NY Times‘ John M. Broder does reveal how one of the companies Gore invested in, Silver Spring Networks, recently received a contract worth $560 million dollars from the Energy Department to install “smart meters” in people’s homes that record (and critics fear could eventually regulate) energy usage.
“Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years,” states the report, highlighting the fact that Gore is “well positioned to profit from this green transformation, if and when it comes.
“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.,” they wrote." -Referring to Al Gore's membership in the Club of Rome...
"Couples who have more than two children are being “irresponsible” by creating an unbearable burden on the environment, the government’s green adviser has warned.
Jonathon Porritt, who chairs the government’s Sustainable Development Commission, says curbing population growth through contraception and abortion must be at the heart of policies to fight global warming."
"The United Nations Population Fund said if women are empowered to take control of their reproductive health they may choose to have fewer children, reducing pressure on resources and the environment.
“Slower population growth would help build social resilience to climate change’s impacts and would contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions,” it reads."
Friday, November 13, 2009
Meet the People Behind the Scenes...
Link to comprehensive article entitled, "Meet the World Money Power".
Covers the Rockefeller Family, Illuminati, Skull and Bones Society, etc..
Thursday, November 12, 2009
A New Radio Show
Monday through Friday 10:30am-11am
This is a new radio show based out of Evansville, Indiana. It is a live broadcast with no call in or archiving capabilities. Their first broadcast is 11/12/09 Friday. They are also developing a website. More information to come...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Continued use of 'New World Order' verbiage by Elitists
"..globalist financier George Soros calls for a “New World Architecture”. In his essay, he states how international capitalism, led by the United States has “broken down” and how “A new multilateral system based on sounder principals must be invented” through the use of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Soros goes on to recommend SDR’s (Special Drawing Rights), created by the IMF, as a replacement for the declining US Dollar,
“The dollar no longer enjoys the trust and confidence that it once did… The US ought not to shy away from wider use of IMF Special Drawing Rights. Because SDRs are denominated in several national currencies, no single currency would enjoy an unfair advantage.”
The issuance of SDR’s among the world economies would place all currencies on a level playing field, whose value would be determined by the international SDR.
Soros also calls for the United Nations and its Security Council, currently led by President Barack Obama, in direct violation of the U.S, Constitution, to serve as the overseeing enforcement body for this new financial system..""“We Europeans are used to this,” she said. “We have voluntarily given up many of our powers to Brussels and to the European Union. But our American partners find it much more difficult to hand over powers to the International Monetary Fund or to any other international organisation.”
“This world will only be a peaceful and good world if we have more of a world order and more multilateral co-operation,” she said."
-Chancellor Angela MerkelThose 'conspiracy theories' concerning a one world government and the end of American Sovereignty and Independence don't sound so crazy anymore? Do they?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
More calls for a New World Order by Global Elitists
"Gorbachev praised US President Barack Obama, who has sought to improve the United States' image and repair US-Russian relations that were damaged under his predecessor George W. Bush."
"Comparing Obama's efforts with his own attempt to reform the Soviet Union in the 1980s -- which was called "perestroika", or "restructuring" -- Gorbachev said that Obama faced the harder task."
"Gorbachev, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, also said he approved of Obama's unexpected Peace Prize victory last month, saying it could help push the United States towards greater multilateralism."
A Socialist Leader is heaping praise upon Obama. How can anyone not see the similarities between Obama and past socialist/communist leaders...Obama and his handlers (CFR, Federal Reserve, Rockefeller Family) are DESTROYING THE BASIC AMERICAN IDEALS OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Big John on Survival
We are all called to do something. You have a role, I have a role. I was called to feed the patriots during the coming difficult times. I grow most of my own food and harvest 20% of the seeds for resale. I package these seeds myself on my dining room table deep in the woods of southeastern Kansas where I have built a self-sufficient homestead. I invented the water filter system and the gardening method that I have added to this kit. You must have both. Now, let me explain something that you will agree with, but have never thought about...
Civilization will collapse in a 5 stage event just as I've outlined here. Although it can be put on fast track by a pandemic, an impending asteroid, world war, civil war, or terrorism, what follows is what will essentially happen. In realizing how the collapse will happen, you will understand how important it is to have 12,000 heirloom vegetable garden seeds ready to plant.
STAGE 1. As long as the economy is thriving and you have freedom and are not over taxed, life can be good.
Here are your most important assets today:
Health Insurance
Home Value
Automobile Image
Credit Rating for Debt Accumulation
STAGE 2. The economy goes into a prolonged decline, which we have been experiencing for the past 7 years.
Here will be your most important assets:
Precious Metals, which you might want to sell now
Elimination of debt
Job Stability
Health Insurance
Home Equity
Automobile with good MPG
STAGE 3. The economy begins to collapse after a significant prolonged decline, which we are experiencing right now.
Here will be your most important assets:
Short term food supplies
Survival know-how
Rural property
Small livestock- chicken, rabbit, fish...
and a bulk supply of long-term heirloom vegetable seeds.
STAGE 4. The economy collapses and the shelves go empty in one week, the government suspends the Constitution and we become a police state. This can come at any time after Stage 3. Society falls into chaos. WE ARE VERY NEAR HERE!
Here will be your most important assets:
Guns and ammo
Survival knowledge
Short term food supplies (1 year)
Rural hideaway or rural property
Trained survival dog
***Homemade water filter system
***Survival gardening method know-how
***Heirloom garden seeds for long-term food
You no longer can sell gold, you can no longer buy gasoline for your vehicle, you will be forced from your home and health care is no longer available, and of course your job is a memory. You will experience what it's like to live in a third world country at war.
STAGE 5. War between freedom fighters and government forces break out nationwide, and starvation becomes common. Government offers food and water and shelter in exchange for chip implantation and enslavement.
Here will be your most important assets:
1. Survival skills
2. ***My patriot gardening method so your food will never be stolen
3. ***My homemade water filter system so you will never be thirsty
4. ***My heirloom seeds for long term food and barter
5. Guns and the ability to use them
6. Survival dog
7. Willpower
As you can see, priorities change as the world changes. Your most prized assets- home and good credit and car and job and health care are no longer important!!!!! YOUR INDECISION TODAY WILL DETERMINE THE MAGNITUDE OF YOUR SUFFERING TOMORROW.
If you have read this far, I respect your interest, now, stop reading and get to doing it. Of course if you still need more, check these out!!!!!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
International Bankers VS. YOU
of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in
order to create what some refer to as a “New World Order.” Private
organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Dartmouth Conference, the
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the Atlantic Institute, and the
Bilderberg Group serve to disseminate and to coordinate the plans for this
so-called new world order in powerful business, financial, academic, and
official circles."
-- Jesse Helms
Source: speech to the Senate, 1987
"The surest way to destroy a nation is to debauch its currency."
-- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
[Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov] (1870 - 1924), First Leader of the Soviet Union
"Of course, members of the dynastic banking families had been financing the
Russian-oriented revolutionists for many years. Trotsky, in his biography,
refers to some of these loans from British financiers going back as far as
1907. By 1917 the major subsidies for the revolution were being arranged by Sir
George Buchanan and Lord Alfred Milner (of the Morgan-Rothschild-Rhodes
confederacy). Milner, it will be recalled, was the founder of England’s secret
“Round Table” group which started the Royal Institute for International Affairs
in England and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States. One
American source gave Trotsky, Lenin and the other Communist leaders around
twenty million dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia. This was
Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb and Company."
-- W. Cleon Skousen
Source: The Naked Capitalist (Salt Lake City, 1970), pp. 40–41